About NBC Environment

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Helping manage conflict between nature, businesses, and people.

We have embarked on a journey to take us beyond the traditional approach of pest exterminators to a place where organisations and households can be confident that they will be presented with an approach that will minimise the impact on wildlife; whilst at the same time manage the risks to their business, people, customers, and assets. 

Our approach supports recent changes in legislation and public opinion which ensures lethal or invasive measures are a last resort while still effectively treating the root cause of your infestation. At NBC, our difference is our people are wildlife experts who understand species behaviour and how to influence it, which makes us able to manage situations in ways that are often more effective and cheaper than our competitors; who are often not capable of considering let alone delivering. 

We are trusted by leading brands often selected to undertake more challenging and sensitive projects or projects with significant consequences. NBC has worked in some of the most diverse and challenging environments, including offshore, nuclear, rail, hospitals, housing associations and utilities to mention just a few. Our expertise is so recognised that we have worked on research and conservation projects with the likes of Bird Strike, Natural England, OPRED and the Scottish Natural Heritage. 

Founded in 1993 by John Dickson with the support of the Princes Trust. NBC recognise the value of community and as such engage closely with their people to create a culture of complementary values that represent the brand because when you are part of it, you put your heart into it, and it becomes personal. 

In April 2022, US-based Rollins Inc, best known for its subsidiary pest control brand, Orkin, acquired NBC Environment. Read more here.

Talk to your local NBC team for advice or to book a site risk assessment by calling 0333 567 2020.

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Please contact us on 0333 567 2020

Expert – 30 years unrivaled experience & knowledge

Established in 1993 NBC are leading experts in all aspects of Bird, Pest, wildlife, and infection control with vast experience over a huge variety of scenarios providing the knowledge necessary to give you the most effective solution.

Ethical – with control comes responsibility

NBC believes that pest control companies should operate responsibly and seek sustainable solutions rather than focus on extermination. Regulation, public perception, and client requirements now demand a deeper and more integrated approach to managing situations where wildlife conflict occurs to minimise risk to businesses and public health.

Innovation – pursuit of excellence

NBC embrace innovation in process and technology (BPCA award winners ‘Innovation’ ) which see’s high levels of efficiency within our systems reducing customer administration and new levels of transparency within our MI reporting that provides accurate understanding of our performance in managing the risks within the estate.

Value – quality, cost effective solutions

Each service is designed to complement another providing an unrivalled offering to our clients. Working with a huge number of clients across various sectors including utility companies, local government authorities, construction, highways, aviation, retail and warehouse outlets and the leisure and tourism industries. Partnering with major companies including Tesco, the RAF, and Thames Water.

Our clients are extremely important to us and our employees have real passion for their work which shines through in their dedication to outstanding service.

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