Shipping Container Biosecurity

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Shipping Container Biosecurity

Bio Security for the transport industry is a huge responsibility the carriers and companies involved. Preventing pests and diseases from moving across the world via shipping operations and preventing invasions of non-native species is a critical role of the transport industry.

Introductions of non-native species can decimate native populations, the Grey Squirrel in the UK as an example, whilst purposefully brought to the country from North America, the Grey Squirrel is now classed as an Invasive Alien species in the UK and is considered a pest and blamed for the destruction of the UK's native red quarrel population. There is in most cases a legal requirement for the containers to have fumigation certification and as such careful consideration must be given when moving products or goods via shipping containers, it is imperative that the risk is carefully managed.

NBC have carried out such risk management previously at Harwich port for the RRS David Attenborough for when they moved products as part of the British Antarctic Survey. For this we carried out a variety of services from the placement of insect and rodent boxes to the fumigation of non-food containers with the relevant insecticide.



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